Wednesday, May 23, 2007

without much further ado...



accent of jwhite




well hello hello. christ. how long has it been? since february? man. where do i begin?
well right now i am sitting in hongchow airport waiting to go to beijing in 2 hours. i’m sitting in the terminal with laptop in lap, beer right beside me, listening to george benson. love the fact that i can sit here and drink a beer in the middle of the airport. that rules. really does. not to mention listening top GB’s most recent album while typing to you all is really relaxing. must be the beer.

didn’t mention it, but my dad is here with mr. mullen (chunk) visiting me. we are all going to beijing together. can’t wait. so good to have them here right now. we’ve had a blast. they are staying with me at my apartment. love it. it’s fun having them there when i get home. kind of a like a treat. definitely makes me homesick. miss everyone so much.
since i wrote last i have been to tokyo for chinese new year to see the deftones with j.white; met and become friends with allister (which deserves mentioning); had the opportunity to direct a campaign in shanghai, china; ride the streets of shanghai on my bike; get knocked off my bike by a moving car and have a scotch with my dad in people’s park. not bad. it’s been a good few months.

tokyo was amazing. it was just happen chance that kurt parker was there in the tokyo office working when we were there. so good to see him. it was like a little taste of home. i had the opportunity to see john jay and meet the tokyo office out for drinks a few times. loved it. loved them. tokyo was like a dream. honestly i had this sense of calm rush over me when i got there and walked out into the streets. the people were beautiful as well as the city. had such a good time. smiles all around. i will say that it was a bit expensive, especially that cab ride from the airport to the hotel. jesus. i kept thinking, “that can’t be right.” it was. 200 bones. but i decided right there and there, “no worries. i’m on vacation. what happens, happens.” glad i decided that because i had an amazing time as a result. highly recommend it if you have the means. if you are with WK, definitely take the time to call Shig, Anthony, Sumiko, Kimi or anyone there for that matter. wonderful people. hated to leave. the “tones” were amazing. they always are. i think i will be flying back in july to catch them in portland. crazy i know. just so happens that they are playing when i want to come back. can’t think of a better thing that i want to do on my vacation. 7 words? live? COME ON! rontoms you better get your ticket. no kidding. do it. now.
allister. so this guy that j.white introduces to me with a thick british accent tells me that he is a dancer and is trying to make it in shanghai, slaps me on the ass and buys me a drink at the same. first impression is always the best and this could not be more true. miss allister at the moment though. it seems that he has been out town for a while. speaking of which, WHERE IS JASON WHITE?! he is the guy in the tokyo picture that is laughing at the table. man. he’s been traveling for WK for about 2 months now. miss that kid like no other. ready for my brother to get back to shanghai. doesn’t feel right without him. i think he’ll be back next week. i pray for shanghai.

so i have started riding in shanghai every morning to work and then back home again. my god. i thought i was an amp rider... well for empty streets and lots of room maybe. now i can officially say that i have no problems with being “traffic”. everyday is like a russian roulette in a way. honestly. you never know at any moment where or when someone could jet right out in front of you... actually they would just cruise out in front of you. i have become pretty good at skidding to a stop under control. seriously there are not many rules of the road. people just go where they want to go, when they want to go, how they want to go. it’s very interesting when something happens because they yell and scream about who was at fault. who was at fault! i so wish i could understand chinese at those moments.

so yes i was in an accident. yes i was hit by a car. actually i hit the car the car pulled right in front of me. so quick that i was up on the car and then on the ground before i knew what had happened. that sucked. wasn’t in love with china so much at that moment. i was riding south on maoming lu on my normal morning trek (hah) and was just about to cross the intersection of changle lu. i have to admit i was a bit tired from being up the night before (what dedication... ahem) so i didn’t break like a usually do going through intersections. i was probably going about 21 rpm’s so moving pretty good. then out of no where, this black car is in front of me. no choice. no turn. it’s there and i tried to break. i tried to break so hard i pulled the cables right out. i ended up sliding into the side of the car, crushing the side door, rolling on top of the car and then off onto the ground.

i came too and found myself on all fours staring at the ground wondering what the hell just happened. shook my head a few times and looked up. i saw 6 chinese men staring down at me talking really loud pointing and looking. i think they were surprised that i was looking back at them because they immediately stopped talking. this older gentleman stretched out his hand to me and helped me up. when i got off the ground, the small crowd said, “Oooooooh.” it think that meant that they were surprised that i actually got up. apparently in china if you are in an accident, you are suppose to stay where you are... in the middle of the road, on a car, in a tree, on a fence... until the police get there so he can dicern what happened and then decide “who was at fault”. the older guy helped me straighten out my bike so i could at least get it over to the side of the road and out of traffic. the driver and 3 friends moved the car to the side as well and got out to start the chatter again. the police arrived and stood there to listen to what this guy had to say. iw as pretty freaked out. i thought this guy was going to tell the police that this western idiot smashed his car and should be taken to jail. so i called work and got them to tell the cop my side of the story. after a while of back and forth another cop came who new a small amount of english. he pulled me over to the side and said, “how much do you want?” i said, “what the hell do you mean?” he said it again and i replied with, “i have no idea what you are talking about.” the cop pointed behind me and there was the driver of the car, whose door was really messed up (serves him right), with his wallet in hand and open showing me that he had cash. i looked back around to the cop who asked me again, “how much do you want?” so bizzare. thinking back to it, i should have taken 5000 dollars from the guy, but i was freaked and in shock from the whole thing so i took... well, enough. the cop gave me a written slip of the accident and told me to take it to the hospital to get checked. he also gave the me driver’s name and number. i think i will get that framed. i did manage to mess up my shoulder pretty good. nothing bad. just a deep bruise. got off really easy if you ask me. very lucky. unfortunately, i have seen much worse. needless to say i had gitters for about a week so i wasn’t so quick to get back out there. actually i couldn’t because i had to get my bike fixed. it was so bad though. they managed to get everything back in shape. found a great bike shop and contact for other riders in shanghai. need time to actually get out and take a long ride, but at least i know where to look if i want a riding partner.

did i mention that you could buy a beer in the hongchao airport and walk around with it in hand? love that. probably will be severely dehydrated but at this point i really don’t care. i’m on vacation.

as far as work goes, i am getting to do what i have always wanted to do. i am getting to work on projects that are being produced and shown in market, shanghai in this case. that'll do! the office is doing well. very well i might add. hiring new people every week it seems. just broutgh in a new creative director from hong kong, iris. very nice woman and i look forward to working with her. she is a copy writer so probably won’t do much hands on with her, but none the less. actually, anna gatewood has been for the last 2 months helping out from the Portland WK office. can’t tell you how good it has been to have her here. man. talk about a taste of home. she hails from raleigh, north carolina originally but has been in Portland for the last 3 years with her husband Brad. yeah i know, north carolina. what can you do? you take what you can get, right? love ya anna! mean it! anyway, i had to say good bye today. she is leaving for london and then home tomorrow. that was tough. i will miss her and that connection to home. hopefully i will be back in july for a short while so i will get my fill then. thanks for everything anna!

no worries though. my dad is here with chunk and we are on our way to beijing. we have had a blast so far. being in beijing with them will be nothing short i can assure you. let’s just say that me and johnny walker have gotten reaquainted this past week. good times good times.


purplepuppy said...

How in the world did you get the pictures of your bike accident?

Rachel said...

I have checked this blog everyday four times, since February when you sent me the link. I am so excited to read a long note from JHays! It sounds like the adventure is being good to you. Wear a helmet and be sure to enjoy all that you can.:)

Ride safe, live big.

NolanWoodard said...

Hey, Darth Bald! Happy to see you are happy and doing so well!

Are you going to be stopping by in Atlanta to visit your seester in July? If so, let me know, mah brutha!

Jennifer O'Hearn said...

Justin Hays?!? wow. I can't believe it! How long has it been? Several years at least! This is your old friend Jennifer from San Francisco (formerly of Portland, where we worked in the land of television together) Hope to hear from you soon! :)